Rasgo coletivo: imagens dos atravessamentos entre Arte e Saúde Coletiva no Projeto Vidas Paralelas Migrantes


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How to Cite

Washington, C. (2021). Rasgo coletivo: imagens dos atravessamentos entre Arte e Saúde Coletiva no Projeto Vidas Paralelas Migrantes. Tempus – Actas De Saúde Coletiva ISSN 1982-8829, 14(3). https://doi.org/10.18569/tempus.v14i3.2864 (Original work published May 31, 2021)


Part of the doctoral research “Rasgo: a arte de engendrar espaços” was held in France, linked to the Parallel Lives Project Migrant: Perspectives Brazil - France (PVPM), coordinated by the Indigenous and the Worker Health Laboratory of the Program of Post-graduation in Collective Health, University of Brasilia. The interdisciplinary research between Art and Collective Health through imagery produced in France by migrants, pointed to the rip as a common procedure to the two disciplines, distants a priori. The rip is an art procedure that is characterized by a movement of crossing of limits for the creation of spaces, while the methodology of the PVPM seeks, among other objectives, the production of knowledge and the transposition of obstacles. This is also the migrant's attitude towards the frontier, his goal is to overcome it. If we think that the dominant aesthetic and political systems of mass production and distribution of images of migrants are a limit to identity plurality, how do the practices of collective image production of the PVPM collaborate to dissolve this limit? Our objective is to demonstrate how the images produced in the crossings between Art and Collective Health in the Project Migrant Parallel Lives rip the systems of homogenization of identity.

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