Hemodynamic behavior modeling of a Virtual Surgical Patient based on a Fuzzy Expert System.
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How to Cite

Paiva, P. F., Machado, L. S., & Costa, T. (2016). Hemodynamic behavior modeling of a Virtual Surgical Patient based on a Fuzzy Expert System. Tempus – Actas De Saúde Coletiva ISSN 1982-8829, 10(2), Pág. 187–203. https://doi.org/10.18569/tempus.v10i2.1651


The Virtual Reality (VR) allows its users to experience a sense of being immersed in synthetic 3D scenarios generated by computer graphics. The so-called Virtual Environments (VEs) based on RV can be applied to medical education, enabling: repetitive training and the development of psychomotor skills in surgical procedures without compromising real patients. Surgical simulators that feature Dynamic Virtual Patients (VPs), that is, reacts physiologically to interventions and medical decisions made during the training. These systems present more realism while it offers the possibility of varying clinical cases. This work has as main objective to discuss important issues of modeling the hemodynamic performance of a VP, specifically to simulate blood pressure values (both sistolic and diastolic variables). The model of a VP is presented as result as well as is presented an architecture for its integration to simulators based on VR.
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