Permanent education: reflection in practice nursing hospital.
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How to Cite

Pinto, J. R., Ferreira, G. S. M., Gomes, A. M. de A., Ferreira, F. I. S., Aragão, A. E. de A., & Gomes, F. M. A. (2015). Permanent education: reflection in practice nursing hospital. Tempus – Actas De Saúde Coletiva, 9(1), Pág.155–165.


In hospital practice, the Permanent Education is essential to the training of workers, which must have knowledge refurbished in their professional practice. With this in mind, we sought to analyze through this research the perception of nurses in a teaching hospital about permanent education in the hospital. It is a descriptive research with qualitative approach, performed with nine coordinators of nurses sectors, using three focus groups, consisting of three nurses in each group. The research took place at the Hospital of the city of Sobral, Ceará. They used interviews that were recorded in group meetings. The Bardin content analysis structured the important findings. These results were separated by thematic units. The ethical principles were respected according to Resolution 466/12. The first thematic unit investigated the knowledge of the subjects on the Permanent Education, Continuing and service. The first findings identified differences of opinions when participants conceptualized the difference between the methods of health education. The second unit rescued the opinion of the subjects on the strategies to deploy a permanent education commission in the hospital. The statements of the participants revealed that the commission should motivate professionals to continue qualifying service. Even inquired that these committees should be multidisciplinary. The last unit analyzed referred to the way of acting of permanent education committees. The investigation indicated that they should provide better education for professionals applying active methodologies.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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