Internship in Rural Collective Health with emphasis on Health and Family Program More Care: An integration proposal for medical education.
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How to Cite

Odorizzi, V. F., de Noá, K. C. A., da Cruz, A. O., Marquezan, R. F., & Odorizzi, A. L. C. (2015). Internship in Rural Collective Health with emphasis on Health and Family Program More Care: An integration proposal for medical education. Tempus – Actas De Saúde Coletiva ISSN 1982-8829, 9(4), Pág. 115–122.


This paper presents a proposal to promote ethical, technical and policy-academic multipliers participants, a fact of fundamental importance in the health education process, providing tools for the problems and the reflection mechanism on the reality of medical work in the countryside. This proposal adds to design a process of academic training at the same innovative and inclusive time, allowing the visualization of political programs in progress, and also the selfidentification and recognition of medical students, as process protagonists, challenging approaches traditionally used in medical courses and systematization of the Health Policy; justifying fully.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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