Quantitative data collection instrument in research conducted with bioethics children.
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How to Cite

Fialho, F. A., Dias, I. M. Ávila V., & Almeida Rego, M. P. da C. e M. de. (2015). Quantitative data collection instrument in research conducted with bioethics children. Tempus – Actas De Saúde Coletiva ISSN 1982-8829, 9(3), Pág. 179–186. https://doi.org/10.18569/tempus.v9i3.1795


The aim of the study was developing a quantitative tool, and to produce effective results, aimed at conducting research with humans, especially children (seven to twelve years old) for the lifting concepts and bioethical values. For the development of the instrument was raised the literature and for instrument validation, this was subjected to two groups of selected individuals, a specialist in bioethics and the general public.
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