PDF (Português (Brasil))


Atenção primária à saúde
Comunicação em Saúde.
COVID-19, Atenção Primária à Saúde, Telemedicina, Comunicação em Saúde. COVID-19, Atención Primaria de Salud, Telemedicina, Comunicación en Salud. COVID-19, Primary Health Care, Telemedicine, Health Communication.

How to Cite

Sumiya, A., & Almeida, C. P. B. de. (2024). PRIMARY HEALTH CARE AND THE FIGHT AGAINST COVID-19: REFLECTION ON THE MEASURES ADOPTED IN DIFFERENT COUNTRIES. Tempus – Actas De Saúde Coletiva, 15(4), 113–126.


This article developed a critical reflection on the guidelines that permeated Primary Health Care (PHC) in the fight against COVID-19 through information that was disseminated by the health ministries of five countries. The analysis showed that PHC is extremely important, but in Brazil it needs investments to ensure the quality of the work process. The recommendations of the countries were very similar, giving the impression that Brazil was relatively aligned, but there was considerable disarticulation between the different instances, and consequently a delay in the implementation of measures that influenced the population's adherence. As strategies/tools that stood out, telemedicine and health communication emerged, showing potential for the efficient management of epidemics.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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