Management instruments in the single health system in Palmas -TO
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How to Cite

Santos Barros, F., Cardoso Cançado, A., & Aparecida Rezende de Oliveira, V. . (2023). Management instruments in the single health system in Palmas -TO: a documental and basic attention target analysis. Tempus – Actas De Saúde Coletiva ISSN 1982-8829, 15(01), 7–42. Retrieved from


Brazilian municipalities are co-responsible for the full management of primary health care, carried out based on the guidelines of the National Primary Care Policy, which must be carried out in planning, programming, evaluation and monitoring. So that health services are provided in order to meet the needs of the population. For this, management uses the management instruments of the Unified Health System, namely: the Health Plan, the Annual Programs and the Management Reports. The general objective of the work is described in the Primary Care of Palmas-TO from the management instruments of the years 2014 to 2017. For this purpose, a documentary study was carried out, with a descriptive purpose and a qualitative approach. Consider that Primary Care has a primary role in the execution of the right to health. For this, planning is essential, as well as popular participation in the elaboration of the Health Plan and in the definition of the sector's priorities, which can be carried out through the Council and the Municipal Health Conference.

PDF (Português (Brasil))