Apprenticeships and challenges in nursestudents’ experience with Community Health Workers
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How to Cite

Miranda Medeiros, L. L. de, Pereira Alves, Érica ., Miranda Alves, A. A. de ., & Costa Farias Almeida, T. da . (2023). Apprenticeships and challenges in nursestudents’ experience with Community Health Workers: extension project experience. Tempus – Actas De Saúde Coletiva ISSN 1982-8829, 15(01), 275–287. Retrieved from


The Community Health Worker is a professional that link the community and the Primary Health Care. In the COVID-19 pandemic context, their job was reorganized and most part of their experiences with the community was suppressed, especially, with those individuals that have the diagnose of Arterial Hypertension. This article aims to report the experience of nursing students with Community Health Workers during the permanent education actions in the COVID-19 time period. The experience occurred in the term of August to December of 2020 through the extension project: Community Health Workers in the COVID-19 pandemic context: enabling to transform the hypertensive patients population into popular health agents. As a result, the permanent education activities where remotely developed by four nursing students, through the online platform Google Meet and social networks (WhatsApp and Instagram). The experience in that context showed up to be possible, innovating and challenging, creating essentials opportunities to the nurse graduation and acknowledging about the importance of the Community Health Workers work process.

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