Musical space at work place: benefits for mental health
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How to Cite

Vanderlinde, J., & Durman, S. (2011). Musical space at work place: benefits for mental health. Tempus – Actas De Saúde Coletiva ISSN 1982-8829, 4(1), Pág. 189–197.


Even in the 21st century we can verify a significant loss of rights and senses of workers. To attenuate the modern life´s stress, music relaxes, seeking the worker´s well-being, contributing for the work improvement and organization. Psicol music therapy is constituted on the therapeutic use of music and its elements to improve health. The therapeutic efficacy of music does not rise out from common sense opinions. Scientific researches prove its benefits on the human body. Attentive to alternative therapy in Nursing and different music styles, it was sought with this technique, possible benefits in the daily routine of Unioeste employees . It is a descriptive field research, in a qualitative feature, that suggests investigating the use of music as a therapy in the health improvement of Unioeste workers from Cascavel. Psicol music therapy workshops were accomplished and also evaluation questionnairies. The study had the objective to make the workers rethink their own life´s quality, developing a task that shows the benefits of music. The reports of the employees in relation to the workshops were fully revealed as singular and personal moments when they were able to reflect about their life´s quality and everyday routines. Listening to those reports we can conclude that the workshops brought benefits to these workers. We suggest that this project may be implemented in this Institution in a scheduling work way.
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