Student’s evaluation of a community-based medical education integrated to a primary care medical program in amazon region.
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How to Cite

Santos, B. Érison F. dos, Sena, I. S., Alves, C. P., Batista, N. A., Nazina, M. T. S. T., & Morais, L. do S. da S. (2015). Student’s evaluation of a community-based medical education integrated to a primary care medical program in amazon region. Tempus – Actas De Saúde Coletiva ISSN 1982-8829, 9(4), Pág. 123–136. Retrieved from


The Federal University of Amapá (UNIFAP) presents in its curriculum design teaching interaction, services and community (IESC) since freshman year, through which students have the opportunity of interdisciplinary and professional practice experiences. This study aimed to evaluate the learning experience by medical students from the community-based learning activity of following up health teams in the “Programa Mais Médicos Para o Brasil”(PMMB). A research, approved by the Ethics Committee of the institution, was conducted with quantitative and qualitative approach through a semi-structured questionnaire and open questions. Students assessed that it was possible to know the health condition (68.18%), improve learning in underserved care (63.63%) and identify their learning needs (63.63%). They felt they had the opportunity to follow the doctors’ appointments (86.36%) and learn even in a very busy environment (54.55%). Professional received students enthusiastically (77.27%) and showed availability to answer questions (59.09%). The routine of primary care regarding the students active participation was the most mentioned issue to improve, because it is now mostly limited to their observation. Compared to the previous year, 73.92% of students said there had been improvement in IESC activities. In general, most students positively evaluated the experience with PMMB. They felt that this approach provided opportunities to learn the routine in primary care and the profile of the attended community, covering both its clinical and psychosocial aspects.
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