Users' perception about the perception of the Community Health Agent
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Pereira Corrêa, V., Zaneripe de Souza Nunes, R., Bisognin Ceretta, L., Iribarrem Avena Miranda, V., Helal, L., Marcolino da Silva, A. B., & Tuon, L. (2023). Users’ perception about the perception of the Community Health Agent: a cross-cutting study in the municipality of Southern Santa Catarina. Tempus – Actas De Saúde Coletiva ISSN 1982-8829, 15(01), 288–304. Retrieved from


Community Health Agents (CHA) play an essential role in Primary Health Care (PHC) points, being recognized for their territorial and community approach, representing a link between users and their families with health services. Given Impacts Of Recent Health policies and pandemic the role and work of the CHA, the present work aims to present the perception of users about the performance of these professionals in a municipality in the extreme south of Santa Catarina, since the CHA presents greater proximity to the users. This Is a cross-sectional, census-type study carried out with users from 47 Health Units in March 2021, during the pandemic period. The results showed a high levelofusersatisfactionwiththeworkof ACS. However, it was possible to observe that 38.9% ofusersdidnotorrarelyreceive home visits, and 73% did not ask any questions with the CHA responsible for the area where they live. In this sense, it was possible to observe a dubious result, which can be understood in different ways, such as the difficulty of expressing real satisfaction with the work of the CHA oreven the satisfaction of users with the minimum assistance received. Finally, thestudy, despite its limitations, presentsimportantissuestobeconsideredregardingsatisfactionsurveys in publichealthservices in Brazil.

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