News about stress in print: biological, psychological, social or biopsychosocial approaches
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Garcia, Átala L., Emerich, T. B., Salaroli, L. B., Cavaca, A. G., & dos Santos Neto, E. T. (2021). News about stress in print: biological, psychological, social or biopsychosocial approaches. Tempus – Actas De Saúde Coletiva, 12(2).


This study analyzes the historical-scientific evolution of the term stress in print media, according to the emphasis placed on different conceptual approaches - biological, psychological, social and biopsychosocial, through content analysis. This is a qualitative research analyzing news published in the main journals of the State of Espirito Santo, Brazil, from January 2015 to April 2017. It is noticed that there was evolution of health models in the twentieth century in the biological and psychological approaches to stress, which still predominate in print media to the detriment of the social approach. However, the possibility of expanding health actions is envisaged, based on the incorporation of a biopsychosocial approach to stress in community contexts, in order to enable interventions that overcome reductionism and fragmentation. Thus, understanding stress from a more integrative perspective, including psychosocial aspects, can be transformed with greater interaction between media and communities
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