Technology assessment in teaching hospitals: current challenges.
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How to Cite

Elias, F. T. S., Leão, L. S. C., & Assis, E. C. (2015). Technology assessment in teaching hospitals: current challenges. Tempus – Actas De Saúde Coletiva ISSN 1982-8829, 9(3), Pág. 147–158.


Objective: To analyze the structural characteristics and work processes after two years of the implementation of assessment centers of technology in teaching hospitals in Brazil. Method: This study used a online self-administered questionnaire that surveyed managers of the twenty-four centers that attended of the public call 2009. Results: a total of twenty managers completed the survey. Fourteen centers answered that occurred the formalization of the area into the hospital. All of them reported difficulties in trained personnel and financial resources, the teams were able to offer courses (sixteen centers) and produce some assessments as the scientific expert advice (twelve centers). Nineteen adopted the methodological guidelines of REBRATS. Conclusion: It was realized that two years of implementation of this centers were not enough for achieve structural and procedural characteristics considering the survey. The dissemination of HTA culture in a country with no tradition like Brazil should be a permanent action for quality of healthcare.
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