Project Migrant Parallel Lives
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Hoefel, M. da G. L., Glória Nunes Andrade, R., Osório Severo, D. ., Helena Ferraz Ayres, H., Pamela Bermudes, X. ., Teresinha Washington, C., Araujo de Oliveira, W. ., & Ferraz Ayres, R. (2021). Project Migrant Parallel Lives: Mosaics of scenarios, perspectives and knowledge production in Brazil and France – 2017/2020. Tempus – Actas De Saúde Coletiva ISSN 1982-8829, 14(3).


This paper addresses the experience of the project migrant parallel lives in Brazil-France implemented between 2017 and 2020 in Brasília, Rio de Janeiro, Paris and Montpellier. This action research is carried out through international cooperation between the University of Brasilia, the State University of Rio de Janeiro, Université Paris 5, Université Paris 13 and Université Montpellier 3, funded by a CAPES-COFECUB. This research is an excerpt of the work developed in Brasilia with migrant students linked to the Students-Graduation Agreement Program (PEC-G) of the University of Brasilia and with the Mouvement Sans-Papiers in Paris, as well as the experiences carried out with the reception centers for migrants like Caritas, located in Rio de Janeiro and Paris. Research work on the socialization process of migrants and refugees linked to various organizations based in Paris is also addressed. Based on the recovery of experiences, we reflect on the different scenarios, theoretical perspectives and paths taken in the production of knowledge about the daily life, culture, health and work of migrants, pointing out the advances and challenges that characterize the development of cooperative work.
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