Early childhood is a critical stage of life to the development of physical, mental and social skills of the human structures. The objective is to identify the strategies and activities of the community health workers (CHW) in Primary Health of care and early childhood development. This research was guided by qualitative approach in a critical-interpretative aspect. They were conducted 31 interviews with non-directive ACS 05 Units Primary Health Care (UAP), the city of Fortaleza/Ceará. The qualitative material was submitted to hermeneutic analysis through the hermeneutic circle. It is noteworthy that the ACS develop activities and strategies for monitoring the child from birth, particularly child care, guidance on exclusive breastfeeding and immunization. Furthermore, it was observed that the vast majority of ACS received no training on child development. There is a need to think about training focused on the development of actions and strategies for early childhood, before the need for new ACS incorporate elements to their practice and their concepts.
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