Women in situation of alcohol abuse or dependence: exploring similarities
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How to Cite

Vargas, C. R. M. de, & Dytz, J. L. G. (2011). Women in situation of alcohol abuse or dependence: exploring similarities. Tempus – Actas De Saúde Coletiva ISSN 1982-8829, 4(1), Pág. 57–66. https://doi.org/10.18569/tempus.v4i1.941


The purpose of the study is to identify similarities in the life of women who abuse or are alcohol dependent, particularly those related to their sociodemographic characteristics and the consumption of alcohol. The exploratory descritive study was carried out with a total of 214 women enrolled in the Clinic for the Study and Treatment of Dependents of Alcool and other Drugs at the University Hospital, University of Brasilia - DF, during the period of 1990 to 2001. Data was collected from information on the program´s enrollment questionnaire and from semistructured interviews carried out with a group of 10 women that were in treatment. It was found that, in general, the women which attend the program have approximately 40 years of age, low educational level, are “housewives” or work as a servant, have low income, consume alcohol in levels considered high risk for health, lived or still lives in a family environment full of conflict or even violent one. The authors conclude that it is necessary to develop specific approaches for the treatment of alcoholic women, including the adoption of individual and creative strategies which take into account their life history and concrete necessities.
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