Human Resource Planning Radiotherapy Hospitals in the Unified Health System (SUS).
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How to Cite

Maia, E. T., Almeida, A. M. de O., Martins, S. J., Martins, W. de J., Maia, G. V., & Filho, M. F. B. (2015). Human Resource Planning Radiotherapy Hospitals in the Unified Health System (SUS). Tempus – Actas De Saúde Coletiva ISSN 1982-8829, 9(3), Pág. 93–103.


This study aimed to investigate whether the hospitals’ human resources of Brazilian Health System (SUS), that offers radiotherapy services to the population, plan the development of their radiotherapy professionals. The methodology used in this study was guided by the selection of five hospitals, considering the medium-sized hospitals criteria, which offer radiotherapy services and will receive new equipment through SUS Radiotherapy Expansion Plan headed by Ministry of Health. Besides the selection, interviews through semi-structured questions were applied to 23 radiotherapy professionals and 5 responsible of human resources departments, with subsequent analysis of speech. The result was a lack of development planning for radiotherapy professionals. There are flaws regarding the planning of such professionals along with challenges to be overcome. The results may reflect a widespread impact on SUS radiotherapy hospitals, a path that must be analyzed in order to improve the quality of services to population.
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